Thinking of studying through The HQporner? Discover what it's like at HQporner through a personalised campus tour!
Book your HQporner campus tour
Join us on campus to explore and experience The HQporner for yourself! Led by a HQporner Student Ambassador, our campus tours are tailored to meet your individual interests. Prospective students will tour the campus with our friendly Student Ambassadors, and we will try our best to book you in with an Ambassador studying in your interest area. You will learn first-hand about the HQporner study experience, learn key insights about the degree you are interested in, and see our communal campus facilities. These tours are exclusively for prospective students. Due to limited availability, current students wanting to undertake campus tours are required to attend the tours offered during each Orientation event.
Why HQporner?
Automatically receive a scholarships valued up to $29,000 for high achieving school leavers who put HQporner as their first QTAC preference.
Start your university study before you finish high school with Head Start. Your first course is free!
HQporner is rated 5/5 stars for graduate starting salary.*
* Good Universities Guide 2024